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Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Sciences

Chair of Mobile Intelligent User Interfaces - Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek

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Our group at ACM CHI'22


The ACM Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI) is the largest and most impactful conference in our field. This year, CHI'22 took place in a hybrid format (online + New Orleans). Our group contributed to this conference with the following papers and events:

  • Hai Dang presents our paper "GANSlider: How Users Control Generative Models for Images using Multiple Sliders with and without Feedforward Information" (paper)
  • Florian Lehmann presents our workshop paper "How to Prompt? Opportunities and Challenges of Zero- and Few-Shot Learning for Human-AI Interaction in Creative Applications of Generative Models" at the workshop on "Generative AI and HCI"
  • Daniel Buschek co-organised a SIG Meeting on "Continuous Interaction for AI Systems"
  • Collaborations: Yasmeen Abdrabou from UniBW Munich presents the paper "Your Eyes Say You Have Used This Password Before: Identifying Password Reuse from Gaze Behavior and Keystroke Dynamics" (paper)
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